Idiot MAGA Republicans in Tennessee pass insane bill that allows teachers to carry guns in classrooms–and keep it a secret from parents.

The Tennessee legislature has passed a gun bill that will allow teachers to carry handguns in schools–and not only this, but parents will also have no idea if there is a firearm in their child’s classroom or not since the bill specifically protects the “confidentiality” of the lunatic carrying the gun! Under the bill, each school district would get to decide–in secret with no input from the parents in the district–whether or not they would allow guns in the district. Parents would not even be allowed to know whether or not guns are allowed in their district.

Then, any school staff person who wants to pack heat around little children would need to take a 40 hour firearm class, pass a background and mental health check, and get a gun permit. But even with all of these “safeguards” in place, what fool in their right mind would want to keep a loaded firearm around a bunch of school age children? The fact that a person would even want to have a gun in that situation is reason enough to suspect that individual is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Of course, the law is worded in such a way that school districts and law enforcement would be practically immune from lawsuits stemming from accidents or even intentional shootings by a teacher, or in the instance in which a student manages to get their hands on the gun and perhaps shoot the gun toting teacher along with some of their fellow students.

The bill also shields gun manufacturers from most liability lawsuits. Several amendments proposed by Democratic lawmakers, such a holding parents accountable for crimes their children commit with their weapons, and a measure requiring guns to be locked up were shot down by the Republican supermajority. They also declined to include a provision that would require the state to track gun related deaths.

This is yet another bill by the Tennessee GOP that essentially tramples on the rights of parents and students–another recent bill would force children in Tennessee to watch anti-abortion propaganda, with no option for the parents to opt out. Where are all the so-called parent’s rights activists?

Meanwhile, GOP legislators completely disregarded the will of the people in Tennessee, the majority of whom support sensible gun control laws, especially after the Covenant School shooting in Nashville a year ago.

Republican Governor Bill Lee is expected to sign the bill.

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