Pain in the butt

I started building this site back in January but had to stop for a while due to work and family commitments. Now, hopefully I can dive back into this glorious mess.

Building a website in WordPress is not impossible for a novice, but there is quite a learning curve. I bet a lot of people give up after their first try—I am still pulling my hair out trying to make sense of all the gobbledygook in the website editor! Just figuring out how to place a simple link or button on a page is quite the chore. I feel almost as confused as I did when I first started working at a medical office, and I had to learn how to use EPIC, which is an electronic medical records system used by many large medical groups across the country.

So for now, I am going to keep things simple—no sense in creating a beast of a site at this point in the game. This site may not be anything fancy right now, but I hope with time and practice I will be able to make it look better.

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