Domestic violence resources


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I am not a licensed counselor or therapist, just a woman who has helped other survivors in the past.

Are you or someone you care about in an abusive relationship? Do you need help? The links below are to organizations who can help you or a loved one find emergency shelter if they need to flee an abusive relationship, find financial resources, legal assistance, obtain counseling, or provide education about domestic abuse.

You are not alone, and help is available. Every human being deserves to live in peace and safety.


National Domestic Violence Hotline The National Domestic Violence Hotline is a good place to start if you feel you are in an abusive relationship, and you are not sure what to do or where to get help. They have counselors available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Their phone number is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). If it is not safe for you to talk on the phone, you can text START to 88788, or enter a live chat from their webpage at the link provided above.

Domestic This organization has a web page with an extensive list of resources, such as help finding emergency shelter, legal and financial resources, counseling and education about domestic violence.

US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Women’s Health This page has a state-by-state list of domestic violence resources.

A Guide for Male Survivors of Domestic Violence While the vast majority of domestic violence survivors are women, men can also be abused by a male or female partner, or in some cases, suffer trauma lasting well into adulthood if they were raised in a home where domestic abuse occurred. Contrary to popular belief, most domestic violence programs will also help male survivors of intimate partner violence. If you or a male survivor needs assistance, the National Domestic Violence Helpline, listed above, can provide information and resources.

Domestic Violence and the LGBTQ Community The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence has a blog post with a great deal of information and resources for members of the LGBT community. The National Domestic Violence Hotline can provide information and resources.

For the safety of domestic violence survivors or women who need access to reproductive health services, please do not directly share this page unless you are sure it is safe to do so. Many abusers monitor their victim’s internet usage–and in many red states, a woman seeking information about abortion would do well to keep that fact as private as possible. There is no guarantee that her phone or computer will not be searched by law enforcement if someone turns her in for a suspected abortion. If you suspect it may not be safe to directly share this page with someone, you might instead share an article that has recipes–you could possibly tell the person you are sharing it with to “check out the other links on this site.”

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