Tennessee legislature passes bill requiring children to watch forced birth propaganda

Yesterday, the Tennessee state Senate passed a bill known as the “Baby Olivia Act” which will require children to watch a computer-generated propaganda piece created by the forced birth extremist group Live Action, or a similar propaganda piece. According to the wording of the bill, parents will not be allowed to opt out of having their children watch the video. As of now, the bill has not been signed by the governor, but since he is a Republican, it almost a certainty he will. 

Across the country, several other red states including North DakotaIowaWest VirginiaKentucky, and Missouri, have advanced or passed legislation requiring children to watch the “Meet Baby Olivia” video. The video has been heavily criticized by groups such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for promoting misleading information about fetal development, such as claiming “life begins at fertilization” and that a “heartbeat” can be detected at three weeks development. The video also has little to say about the mother, or how the pregnancy may affect her or her health and is designed to play upon the viewer’s emotions instead of promoting actual scientific facts.  Republican lawmakers have defended the bill by claiming is has been “medically reviewed”—by none other than the virulently misogynistic, anti-LGBT hate group The American College of Pediatricians. 

Isn’t funny how Republicans claim LGBT folk, and Democrats in general are “groomers” and yet they are the very ones who are guilty of attempting to groom children into being willing to accept reproductive abuse?  If my children were still school age, I would simply refuse to allow them to watch it, regardless of what the law says.  I would proudly let them take an “F” that day. I think many other parents would feel the same if they knew what kind of filth was being foisted on their children—what sane parent would want their child indoctrinated by the kind of people who thinks it is appropriate to force 10 year olds to have babies by pedophiles? 

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